The Search Continues

36 years after the killings began, James Whitey Bulger is in custody of the US Court system. Considering who some of the judges are in the Eastern MA District that is not reassuring. Nonetheless there is at least one judge who merits the title. Mark Wolf exposed the murderous conspiracy between several Boston FBI agents and a crew of Irish organized crime sociopaths. Their goal was to destroy the Boston Italian crime family in order to eliminate the competition. It was ethnic cleansing. Genocide in other countries, but in America liberal elitists remain unconcerned. Of course a majority of citizens are in a coma and do not know the difference between crime families and don't want to know. Elite educated citizens lack common sense, and are clueless that crime families now run the state government. They rejoice in the one-party government that enables high quantity theft of taxpayer funds. The Boston FBI office has a long history of being untrustworthy even among FBI offices. In 1995 Judge Wolf granted a defense motion by Attorney Anthony Cardinale ordering the Boston FBI to reveal their informants. FBI Special Agent John Connolly, now convicted of homicide warned Bulger he was being indicted. Bulger was a fugitive for 16 years living the good life in Santa Monica CA among the beautiful Hollywood people. The City of Cambridge is still on alert for any more of the bodies dug up when some of the Bulger crew revealed the burial sites to the state police. Here is the latest area of digging in the area of CRLS (Cambridge High School). On July 25, 2011 the City traffic department closed off Felton Street in order to dig in that area. These images captured on July 27, 2011 show the latest areas being searched for more Bulger bodies and archeological artifacts.

The wall from the ancient City of Newtowne is now covered. No bodies were found here on the corner of Cambridge Street and Felton Street. Notice the French hearse donated for this effort by Carla Bruni, the first lady of France. The French crime families are grateful that Bulger did not cleanse them too.

This is the new door to the entrance to the CRLS cafeteria. School Committee meetings were accessed through this door which used to be metal with glass windows. Angry parents and citizens made it necessary to use wood doors which are more easily replaced, and they are cheaper. Notice the steps were removed to enable faster egress for students, faculty, School Committee members and concerned citizens.

Perhaps Bulger reported that there were some bodies buried near the CRLS. Here is one deep hole along the wall of the north wing of the school. Officials did not say if any bodies, or body parts were found. School Committee members remained tight-lipped about this new dig.

Here is another view of the same hole. Clearly more than one body could fit in there.

The south half of Felton Street remains open to allow Harvard affiliates access to the Broadway garage. Notice the street sign in the middle of the street. It states that vehicles may go up and down as well as horizontal before or after they enter or leave the garage. Local neighbors' effort to force Harvard to move this ugly building to their newly acquired land in Allston were unsuccessful.

Pedestrians are able to navigate Felton Street on one side from Broadway to the side entrance of Foxcroft Manor.

The north half of Felton Street was dug up in order to allow deep scrutiny of any ground disturbance which a buried body would reveal. Harvard officials and City officials remain silent regarding any discoveries of bodies or body parts in this area.

This is the south half of Felton Street looking toward Broadway. Officials have not announced if their search will extend to this half of Felton Street. Few officials believe that Bulger would use the entrance to the Harvard garage to bury a body, knowing how often Harvard replaces their buildings. Devious officials (friends of Bulger) say that is exactly where he would bury the remains.

An extra sign alerting drivers to legal vertical movement only on this segment of Felton Street. Behind this sign is the parking lot for the Broadway Market. The several owners did not say if they will allow the City to dig up their property in the continuing search. One owner said, "I don't know nothing."

This is the fence which marks the end of the current search area. View is looking north toward Cambridge Street.

For those who are unable to comprehend what is going on the City has a sign explaining that the road is closed. It sits inside of the fence where construction workers can see it.

This area indicates it is the site of major digging and intense scrutiny. Again, City officials and Harvard officials did not announce what they found. Do the square orange markers designate where a body or part was found?

Drivers arriving at Felton Street from the east are unable to turn there. Vehicles arriving from the west can't turn either. They are directed to Sumner Road to go to Kirkland Street and back to Roberts Road or Irving Street and back to Ellery Street to get to Broadway. It is like being in Maine, where you can't get there from here.

Pedestrians walking east on Cambridge Street arrive at this barrier which requires them to cross Cambridge Street to continue eastward. Thoughtful officials placed a sign suggesting that pedestrians look before crossing. Duh!

For drivers who did not or cannot see the fence the City has two signs explaining that Felton Street is closed. None of the signs reveal why. The City is keeping its information close to its chest. The police no longer describe or identify suspects in street crime. It would hurt their feelings, psychologists advise. Police do not want civilians to capture them, or be able to alert police to where they might be. It is called job security. If civilians could capture criminals who would need police? The officials still want young people to snitch on their colleagues. But politicians, lawyers, doctors and police continue to live under their codes of silence.


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