A hi-rise residential tower 20 units, with ground floor retail will replace the Bowl and Board kitchen ware retail outlet at the corner of Trowbridge Street and Mass Avenue in Cambridge MA. The developers obtained a "Special Permit" from the City Planning Board. The Cambridge Historical Commission reviewed the project. If anyone should be aware of where the bodies are buried it is the Historical Commission. In return the developer agreed to allow investigators to search for any bodies or body parts that may be buried on that site. After 16 years of relentless searches many in their conference room during press conferences, the FBI with the help of US Marshals located fugitive FBI informant James Bulger. He was vacationing in the southern California Hollywood enclave of beautiful people, the seaside resort of Santa Monica. The two decades of alleged murders by James Bulger and his FBI protected crime family ended with Bulger being brought to the US Court in his hometown neighborhood of South Boston. As with Cambridge police policy taxpayers are kept from seeing and knowing what is going on. The police refuse to divulge the identity or the description of crime suspects. Compassionate police officers do not want to hurt the feelings of any suspects or their families. Law abiding citizens are discouraged from assisting the police due to job security priorities and police union interests. A "security" fence is in place to prevent curious eyes from seeing.
Notice the standard construction mirror to enable truck drivers to better aim their vehicles at pedestrians and cars as they exit the work site.
Standard Cambridge construction curtains to prevent taxpayers and voters from seeing what is happening. No knot holes allowed in Cambridge.
Construction takes over ten percent of the street and the entire sidewalk to make pedestrians appreciate how good they had it before construction began.
MBTA No. 1 bus and Harvard's M2 bus stop was moved to the corner of Remington Street. The covered walkway has no lights to create a romantic atmosphere as one walks under the scaffolding at night.
Jersey barriers and high green fences create a prison chic for the neighborhood.
This is where the sidewalk was. During construction it is used as a gallery to watch as the construction crews dig deeper and deeper looking for bodies and body parts.
Two deep holes can be seen. They look a lot like a holes that were used for bodies being stacked on one another. City officials and developers remain silent about what was found during excavation. The state medical examiner did not release any statements.
Fresh dirt can be seen at the center in this image. No employee revealed what it is covering.
Fresh empty holes can be seen in this image. Several bodies could fit in each of those holes.
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