[From article]
"About half of Britain’s Town Hall chieftains, the Daily Mail reported, make more money than Cameron. At least 134 of the 400 local chief executives in England and Wales make more than $240,000. The boss of the Birmingham city council, who makes $320,000 a year, presides over a government octopus that includes more than $3 million a year for 28 “equality and diversity” officers. Birmingham even employs two “climate change officers.” Why not an ambassador to Mars? Birmingham plays as large a role in interplanetary diplomacy as it does in climate change. The chief of the London borough of Wandsworth retired last year on nearly $500,000 in pay."
True Brit
What David Cameron can teach American conservatives
Kyle Smith
New York Post
Last Updated: 11:58 PM, February 26, 2011
Posted: 10:51 PM, February 26, 2011
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