Rep. King and Rep. Bachmann Explain Fraud Behind Pigford Settlement On Monday, Rep. Steve King (IA-R) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN-R) gave a presentation in the House of Representatives on the Pigford Farm Settlement. Rep. King gave a thorough history of the lawsuit including the original, legitimate claims as well as the suspicious nature of the ballooning costs and curious number of people claiming to be black farmers. Rep. Bachmann added evidence on the fraudulent nature of the claims. (about 1 hour)
Untitled from Breitbart on Vimeo.
Rush Limbaugh (December 1, 2010) - Corruption right In the open Lame Duck Congress Approves $4.55 Billion to Settle Pigford, Indian Land Trust Suits
US Rep Michelle Bachman condemns Pigford fraud.
Pigford Whistle-blower: Despite USDA Denials, Fraud is 'FBI Documented' The Dept. of Agriculture has claimed that there were only three cases of fraudulent claims filed for Pigford settlement money. Jimmy Dismuke, one of the original farmers who brought suit against the USDA, told Big Government that he was personally aware of many more cases that the FBI investigated and documented in Arkansas, but for political purposes they have not been made public.
Michele Bachmann Hits Pigford on Laura Ingraham Show
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The Pigford Killings: Double-Murder, Double-Cross, and Decapitation in the Delta
by Gary Hewson
December 8, 2010
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The Pigford Scandal
A tale of breathless romance.
by John Hayward
Human Events
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